Join the Bankstown Bushland Society
The Bankstown Bushland Society is an incorporated association under the Associations incorporation Act (NSW) 1984.
We are Bankstown’s only incorporated association dedicated to protecting our City’s environment.
The Society’s objectives are:
- To protect the environment of Bankstown
To assist other persons in the protection of the environment in Bankstown - To foster better community awareness of environmental issues
- To lobby through Government, commercial and other persons for the maintenance of a high quality of life through the progressive improvement of the environment
If you are concerned about the local environment, then please join our society. As a member you receive one year’s subscription to our newsletter, and can participate as a voting member in the direction and decisions of the Society.
Membership Options
Student / Unwaged / Pensioner
Membership of Bankstown Bushland Society is open to all, both individuals and organisations. Subscriptions support printing and distribution of the newsletter and general running costs. Membership numbers are important – the more members we have the more we get done, so please join us!