F1000014_12.10.2015 Callistemon pinifolius (centre right) . Only very old specimens remain due to weed infestations preventing seedling development. F1000013_12.10.2015 cotoneaster dominated bushland margin F1000012_12.10.2015 cotoneaster dominated bushland margin F1000011_12.10.2015 a specimen of the endangered Persoonia nutans F1000007_12.10.2015 the same dead tree (at left) and a healthy tree of same species growing in the open F1000006_12.10.2015 a eucalypt killed by an apron of African Olive and cotoneaster F1000004_12.10.2015 an intrusion of African Lovegrass monoculture in the core area F1000001_12.10.2015 an ironbark with an apron of African Olive around it that will likely kill it if not removed Album navigationNextNext album:Seldom Seen Flora of Bankstown